Best Served Cold, The Heroes, and Red Country – Joe Abercrombie

(April 2014) Fantasy

I loved The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. Somewhat predictably, I then went on a binge and read all his other books. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy the first two I read as much as the original trilogy. The last one, though, made up for it 🙂

Best Served Cold

Best Served Cold

Best Served Cold starts off well with a brutal couple of scenes and a strong hook. It also gives us a strong cast of characters and fast-paced action.

The first third was great, but after that a couple of things started to annoy me. One was that Abercrombie seemed to be trying to cram in every single main character from the First Law Trilogy into the books. A lot of the time it seemed a bit forced.

I also didn’t like the deus ex machina style ending. The book isn’t bad, but it doesn’t live up to the promise of his initial writing.

Overall score:
Best Served Cold: 7/10

The Heroes

The Heroes

The Heroes was much better written than Best Served Cold above. It reads well and introduces a great bunch of northern characters. The plot builds well and keeps the reader engaged.

The problem with the book is that it ends really suddenly. It’s clearly going to be continued, but it left me very unsatisfied.

Overall score:
The Heroes 7/10

Red Country

Red Country

Red Country was a pleasant surprise after the last two books. It combines the best parts of both of them and comes close to the first trilogy in quality.

It brings back some old favourite characters and throws in a completely brutal plot that surprised me a few times. A great read.

Overall score:
Red Country 9/10